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366 Powerful Quotes on Writing

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Dear Reader,

Are you up for a quick story? I’ll keep it short.

On a cold winter night, Harper Lee flung the manuscript of her first (and last) novel - “To Kill a Mocking Bird” out of her window and into the snow. Distressed and in tears she called her editor Ms.Tay Hohoff and told her what she had just done. Tay told her to rush outside immediately and gather those pages. And the rest, as we know, is history.

This very book went on to win the Pulitzer Prize, became an Oscar-winning movie, and turned Ms. Lee into a millionaire.

Despite the world's eager anticipation of her next novel, it sadly never materialized.

Ms. Lee was so overwhelmed by the success of her book that the fear of not matching its greatness stifled her creativity, resulting in a (imaginary) writer's block for life.

She disappeared from the writing scene into oblivion. Just like that.

This tale is not unique, as history is replete with many such one-book wonders.

Margaret Mitchell of “​Gone with the Wind” fame, ​Anna Sewell, author of “Black Beauty” and ​ and J.D. Salinger, creator of "The Catcher in the Rye," all fall into this category.

And then some authors are on a publishing spree.

Enid Mary Blyton is credited with writing over 800 children’s books.

Isaac Asimov has authored about 500 sci-fi books.

Even in the realm of business writing, some struggle to make ends meet, while others thrive, earning substantial incomes of $1m per year, working with a handful of clients a month, or through their own content.

How do they do it?

What fuels their writing in the face of all odds? 

Is there something more to their success, something that sets them apart from other writers?

Seems like they do.

It's called the "Motivated Mindset."

It sure requires discipline and a warrior attitude. 

And an almost hidden well-spring of motivation to get a refill whenever their mind and heart feel empty.

Building a motivated mindset is the key to generating substantial income as a writer and living life on our terms.

And it is easily attainable through a daily dose of inspiration, drawn directly from the pens and minds of literary legends.

Can reading a bunch of quotes really change your mindset?

You can be assured that reading a random quote one day won’t help in the long run.

It’s like asking, can we work out just one day and lose those extra 10-15 lbs?

Hell, No.

Now, say you work out for a year, would you be able to see any difference?

Hell Yeah!

So, what if the world’s best writers just hop into your room for a minute every day (for a year) and whisper a powerful writing anecdote in your ears as you wake up? 

You wouldn't mind that, would you?

**Drumroll, please**

For the first time in forever,

Presenting you 366 days of timeless writing wisdom from the world’s iconic writers, delivered in a fully illustrated format.

Get ready to get a heady reality check on living the writer’s life. And living it well. Because you are about to see some of the world’s greatest writers of all time:

  • Reveal their best-kept writing secrets,
  • Give you some tough love,
  • Shock you into submission to the muse,
  • Make you roll on the floor laughing(ROFL), and
  • Inspire the heck out of you.

Quotes may be short and sweet. But quotes always seem to understand us better. 

They just get it. They have the power to change our mindset subtly.

Your secret arsenal to conquering writer’s block of any size.

Reading these quotes from writers, unlike generic quotes has a special or magical (if you will) vibe to it that rubs off on you. You feel seen and heard.

One quote at a time, this book of quotes made for writers promises to:

  1. Cultivate a writer’s mindset naturally.
  2. Propel you toward completion of your writing goals.
  3. Fuel the courage in you to tell your story.
  4. Offer you a peek inside the intricate workings of a writer's mind.
  5. Illuminate your path to help you savor victories, and handle rejections.

It is packed tight with writing wisdom from ancient to contemporary wordsmiths all poised to enrich and transform your writing journey.

Feel free to take an inspiration-loaded dopamine shot whenever or wherever you need it.

The One Unspoken Secret Of Successful Writers. 

Can you keep a secret? 

Here’s the truth. Most writers do not like to write. They do not enjoy sitting down and translating thoughts into words. 

Nor do they find writing effortless or even joyful.

Yes, including the most accomplished writers.

But to remove that friction, they have built a system, established a writing process, and almost ritualized their writing.

In “The War of Art”, a part memoir Steven Pressfield, (one of my favorites), shares a powerful insight.

Even as a best-selling author, he admits to grappling with dream-crushing "Resistance" with a capital R.

But here's his combat weapon. Before he begins his writing day, he reads a quote from Homer’s Odyessy.

He refers to this practice and says, “It’s the Invocation of the Muse, from the very beginning of Homer’s Odyssey. I still have that page that Paul(his mentor) banged out for me on his manual Remington atop the little formica tabletop in the back of his camper. I say this prayer myself every morning before I sit down to work, just like Paul did,”

Earl Nightingale, renowned for his influential works like "The Strangest Secret," found inspiration in quotes. 

One quote, in particular, by Napoleon Hill - "We become what we think about," became his guiding mantra.

The fear of failure and imminent judgment is why many writers quit.

Publishing our work can feel like standing naked before the world, waiting for ridicule.

But what if we could dispel these fears with the motivational words of writers who have conquered those very demons?

Oftentimes a quote is enough to change a life.

Scientific Research in digital health technologies confirms that motivational quotes can improve your physical and mental well-being.

  • In recent studies, conducted by a team of scientists and doctors exploring the effectiveness of digital medicine as part of a digital therapy program, they made a groundbreaking discovery. This research focused on individuals battling low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.
    The astonishing discovery showed scientists that integrating motivational quotes and music also led to a remarkable boost in self-esteem along with better mental and physical conditions, leading to an overall enhancement in their quality of life.
  • Back in 1988, Claude Steele proposed the self-affirmation theory, shedding light on how positive affirmations and inspirational words have the power to retrain the brain, bolstering self-confidence and reducing defensiveness and stress in the face of identity threats.
  • Several prominent entrepreneurs (including Ray Kroc, the visionary behind the transformation of McDonald's into a global fast-food franchise giant,) have relied on motivational books and quotes to condition their minds for success and prosperity.
  • Even Olympic athletes turn to positive quotes and visualization before every game. Top sports coaches swear by the effectiveness of positive self-talk. Repeating affirmations or drawing inspiration from their beliefs helps maintain team morale.
  • Gina Barnett, a seasoned TED speaker coach, warns that negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. She advises against backstage thoughts like, "What if I mess up?" Instead, she encourages a mindset akin to that of an athlete preparing for a major game. Foster self-confidence through positive phrases, she urges.

Navigating the Challenges of a Distracted World.

Let me give you a candid peek into my journey. 

In 2020, I boldly cut ties with my previous career as a software professional. The idea of a life immersed in reading, writing, and editing seemed irresistible.

But here's the kicker. Reality smacked me in the face. I found myself burnt out, churning out content for clients across various niches, and get this, earning a measly $5 for a thousand words. Yep, it was that bad.

One gig, in particular, was a real soul-crusher. I had to collect and edit ultra-sensitive posts from Reddit on some pretty controversial topics for a video script. Trust me, that was the final straw. That experience drained the last ounce of enthusiasm from my being. I was at my lowest point, to say the least.

So, I slowly distanced myself from those soul-sucking jobs. 

The urge to write was still there, but I didn't know where, what, how, when and why?

I kinda downplayed the whole "keeping myself motivated to write" thing until I got pushed to the shaky edge of giving up. Ever been there? 

Have you ever noticed that the sneaky motivation won't come easy? If we are to crush our goals, we have to go after it.

That's when I turned to self-help books. I started a routine dedicating an hour to reading every day before I jumped into work.

It became a cherished ritual, to rekindle that flickering motivation.

I always highlight thought-provoking quotes and sentences as I read the books and articles. They morphed into a treasure trove of inspirational gems.

Many quotes felt like a jolt of pure energy as if I'd downed a shot of motivation. It was almost addictive. My mind was buzzing with fresh ideas, and I became a hard-core quote collector.

These quotes and positive affirmations had a massive impact on molding and nurturing my writer's mindset.

Now, I'm thrilled to share these treasures with you. I want you to experience that same surge of dopamine, to go from being just a dreamer to a bona fide doer.

So, today's your chance to jump on this transformative journey. 

Start your writing day on the right foot with 366 days of uplifting quotes, handpicked from prolific writers who've lived and breathed the writer's life.

Escape Self-Doubt's Stranglehold on Your Dreams

Ever read Stephen King's book "On Writing"? There's a nugget of wisdom in there that struck me like lightning. King said, "By the time I was fourteen, the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing."

Think about that for a moment. The guy who would go on to become a literary legend faced rejection after rejection. His book "Carrie," the one that launched his career, got the boot from publishers 30 times. 

It hurt so bad that he even burned some pages and tossed them in the bin. Thankfully, his wife Tabitha found the abandoned manuscript, saved the rest, and urged him to keep going. Eventually, Doubleday picked up the book, and it went on to sell over 350 million copies.

Here's another gem. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" was rejected by a staggering 144 publishers.

If we had given up after 100 publishers, I likely would not be where I am now. I encourage you to reject rejection. If someone says no, just say NEXT! - Jack Canfield

Marie Folio once said in one of her videos that “80% of the people in the US (and probably worldwide too) dream of writing, but only 3% actually finish a manuscript, and a mere 1% see it published. 


  • Writing isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. 
  • Take a bet on yourself, and don’t leave your success to chance. 
  • Even most successful writers feared their writing is trash 

It's time to confront self-doubt, the silent dream killer, head-on. This fully illustrated book of powerful writing quotes aims to guide you one step closer to your goals.

“Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” —Laird Hamilton

Who will believe in you if YOU don't?

To shake off that soul-crushing self-doubt, take a minute to put it in its place—out of your head.

What would your life look like when you're prepared to;

  • bring that book from your head to reality. 
  • start a freelance writing or copywriting journey, and live your dream life.
  • find clarity and purpose in your creative writing.

Now, ask yourself: Is your dream of becoming a prolific writer worth one minute? 

Beginning your day with a thoughtful quote from this ebook (barely takes a minute) helps to start your day on a positive note.

I'm confident each of these quotes can help banish the imposter syndrome and writer's block for good.

If you want the power to transform yourself into an A-level writer, best-selling author, or top freelance earner, this ebook of 366 powerful quotes on writing is a MUST-TRY.

If you're one of the 366 quick action-takers I'd like to offer you this collection of powerful quotes from renowned writers at a special introductory rate.

It's currently available at a launch price.

The price will go up after the first 366 quick action takers grab them.

As a bonus, you'll also receive a PDF with 24 printable bookmarks with inspiring quotes. Easy to print and use.

Earn more money and achieve real success while unchaining yourself from the imposter syndrome — you owe it to yourself to try it

Around three years ago, I embarked on the journey to reboot my career as a writer after a 13-year stint in the tech industry. I've dedicated the past 3 years to honing my writing habits as a professional writer. However, if you trace it back to the poems and stories I crafted at age 7, my writing journey spans an impressive 30 years.

Nonetheless starting a writing career from scratch was quite an uphill battle. Here's why:

  • I struggled to find decent clients or get published in top publications.
  • My husband and parents were not thrilled about my freelance writing career choice. 
  • Ex-colleagues and friends distanced themselves, confused about my career choice.

With every rejection, the voice of self-doubt grew louder. I began to question if my dream of becoming a writer had turned into my worst nightmare. 

During those tough times, positive thoughts and beliefs, often rooted in the quotes I share here, kept my dream alive.

Gradually my articles got accepted in top publications (like Better Marketing, and The StartUp) attracting leads, and began to network with other writers.

I learned that every writer’s journey is unique. Some take years to write a single book, while others craft one every weekend.

For instance, George R.R. Martin, wrote sporadically, in sudden bursts, and occasionally going for months, or even a decade without writing. Conversely, Stephen King commits to five pages (roughly 2,000 words) every day and publishes books every few months.

All approaches are valid.

Finding your unique writing groove—it's like discovering your superpower! 

But, know this: The pen(or the keyboard)? Well, it's patiently waiting for your next masterpiece.

Countless athletes, scientists, psychologists, and successful entrepreneurs vouch for the power of quotes and self-affirmations. They've worked wonders for me, and I believe they will for you too.

And as Tony Dorsett (NFL Runningback) puts it,

 “To succeed…You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."

This book of quotes is here to support your writing career, wherever you are in your writing journey.

How “The 366 Powerful Quotes on Writing” can fuel your motivation and inspire change from within.

Every page contains a single, artfully illustrated quote that brings the message to life for you.

Unwrap a fresh quote daily as you progress through the year.

Feel the rush of fresh ideas simmering in your mind amidst the rhetoric jargon suffocating your brain cells every day.

This curated collection of quotes features writers from different eras who cherished words just like you and me.

You will smile a dejavu smile as you stumble on quotes upon quotes about writing, reading, facing your fears as a warrior writer, building a resilient writer mindset, and overcoming writer’s block.

So it is a well-rounded book of quotes apt for you and suitable you if you love words and/or want to make a living with words. 

Turning Pages, Turning Lives: Fueling your Imagination and Passion

Here's how "The 366 Powerful Quotes on Writing" can transform your writing journey to:

  • Draw inspiration from the wisdom of writers who've walked the same path.
  • Defeat writer's block with practical advice to keep your words flowing.
  • Build a “Motivated Mindset” ensuring you’re on track to accomplishing your writing goals.
  • For every writer. Whether you're just starting or a seasoned pro, this book works.
  • Accessible in a convenient digital format, you can reach it anytime, on any device.
  • Tune into your writing mindset using daily inspiration as a cue.
  • Reflect and grow: Journal your thoughts on each quote fostering creativity.
  • Make it a bedtime ritual of reading a quote to stimulate your thoughts as you drift into dreams.

Get Creative with these quotes

Here are some imaginative ways to make the most of these quotes:

  • Frame it. Display your favorite quote in your study or on your desk.
  • Surprise a writer friend with a framed inspirational quote, and brighten their day.
  • Incorporate an apt quote into your presentations and content to add depth.
  • Boost your social media presence, and inspire your followers by sharing daily quotes
  • Extract valuable writing lessons from writers of different literary worlds.

Unlock a treasure trove of wisdom that will accompany you for an entire year. 

Are you ready to immerse yourself in this wellspring of inspiration?

Get ready for creative sparks and fireworks in your brain!

Here’s what you will receive.

You will be able to instantly download:

These valuable resources are at your fingertips, ready to enrich your writing journey.

384-Page Ebook of Quotes: An ebook featuring 366 beautifully illustrated quotes in PDF format. Made for creative wordsmiths. With clickable links in the index, you can effortlessly navigate to each month, making your reading experience smooth and enjoyable.

The ebook is optimized for easy viewing on the PC, phone, or a tab for on-the-go, so you never miss a day of inspiration.


Printable Quote Bookmarks: An easy way to infuse your daily life with inspiration. 

A set of 24 bookmarks with a hand-picked and designed quote on it.
(I have included 24 individual image files, as well as a layout with 4 images per page, designed for convenient printing)

Just print, stick them on cardboard paper (it's so simple, your child can do it), and use them to keep the motivation flowing.

31 Creative Writing Prompts: It also has all my best writing tips I've collected from almost four years of professional writing.

Motivation is the fuel for your mind to move ahead in the right direction.

Each quote is infused with priceless lessons that an entire book on writing cannot give you.

Let your mind soak in the wisdom of writers we all love as they let their secrets out. 

Ignoring mindset and mental health has cost many gifted writers their writing careers.

Writers who are not so great with words have become top-earning writers through the “Motivated Mindset

It’s time to push your excuses over the edge of the cliff and tackle the monstrous self-doubt and creepy imposter syndrome head-on.

If you want a bottle of inspiration that lasts for a year for less than a bottle of your favorite wine. It’s now.

In less than a minute each day, you'll enjoy a carefully curated selection of fully illustrated quotes specifically for writers.

Click the "I want this" button to get your copy and get started on your 366 days of quotes journey. 

This book is covered by a 30-day warranty. If this book is not helpful to you, then ask for a refund within 30 days and I'll give it back to you.

No questions asked.

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30-day moneyback guarantee

If, for any reason, you feel that this book of quotes isn't for you, simply request a refund within 30 days, and you’ll get it. No questions asked.
And as this is a digital product, you get to keep the ebook along with the bonus content even if you get a refund.
This makes your purchase completely risk-free - click the "I want this" button to get your copy and get started on your 366 days of quotes journey.

Last updated Oct 7, 2023

366 Quotes on Writing - Daily inspiration for creative wordsmiths

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366 Powerful Quotes on Writing

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